Daily Productivity Coaching for Moms with ADHD: Plan Your Day Without Losing Your Mind and Still Have Fun - STUDENTS TELL ALL #105

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No matter if you're a full-time working mama, a mom who's also a full-time student, or if you're a stay-at-home or work-from-home mum - if you have ADHD, you can use this framework.

Today we hear it straight from students of my Daily Planning for ADHD Moms course.

They share how it worked for them and what happened when they created a system that works for them. They discuss how they've developed solid habits and how they've figured out how to forgive themselves when they fall off track. Because they know even when, (not if, but when) they fall off track, any baby step they take forward is STILL a step in the right direction.

We talk about what it's like when you have a foundational system in place and how much easier it can be when life happens and you need to adjust to new changes - because let's face it, our lives are ALWAYS changing.

I'm honored to share this episode that highlights some of my amazing students who did the work and made the changes they needed to work WITH their ADHD brains instead of against it!

These mamas united together, went through the content in their own way, all while connecting with each other on a deeper level every week at our weekly meet-ups. The Daily Planning for ADHD Moms course taught them how they can take control of their own lives and now they've developed their own habits that keep them feeling capable and confident when planning out their everyday lives.

You'll hear real ADHD mamas talk about their "ah-ha" moments, discuss their favorite aspects of the course, and tell us all about what they appreciate most by having a framework they can use every day.

They started out feeling confused, helpless, and hopeless, and they finished feeling supported and seen. Now, they have all the tools they need to tackle their plan, even when life throws them a curveball.

From daily & weekly check-ins to being diligent about communicating the plan to their families, these mamas are more mindful and understand what a big difference ADHD planning can make for them.

I want this goodness for you, too, mama!

Join me, and more ADHD mamas, in my **Daily Planning for ADHD Moms** course and weekly accountability group. Let's get your calendar and to-do list organized and create a plan for your day.

It's your last few days to cash in on the 20% off Back to School Bonus!

Scroll down to click the link and grab your spot now!


It's time to feel confident and capable in how you run your day.

After the kids are in bed and you look back at your day, it’s possible to feel both productive & accomplished.

Learn how to keep up with your calendar and organize your to-do list in an ADHD & mom friendly way.

Sign up now for class: Daily Planning for ADHD Moms!

The Back to School Bonus with 20% off the class price goes through August 27th.